Cache Memory

unretentive, oblivious

What do you want to read..?

Reading according to me is an activity where one tries to meet with oneself. Or maybe find a new ‘me’ in one. This doesn’t go without saying that writing is a process wherein a person accomplishes his aim to reach out to those who are willing to read. Then of course the money part also comes into play. But let’s not get into that…

This morning when i was leaving for my work, i saw a small girl, maybe 12-13 years of age reading Sidney Sheldon waiting for her bus on the bus stop. I was shocked! Is this what the next generation wants to read? Or was it just a case of curious pre-teen years. I would never know…

I remember my first brush with fiction when i was around 10 and my cousins gifted me with an Enid Blyton (The Adventurous Four). Then came along the books from CBT (Children’s Book Trust). Beautifully narrated, set in believable backdrops and written by upcoming Indian authors, these books were a gem and they still remain under care in my book shelf. Any parent reading this should really give these inexpensive books a try for their kids. Then Amar Chitra Katha, Tinkle, Champak were always there to be bought from the railway station Wheeler .When I was growing up and in when in college I, graduated to reading fiction by foreign authors: McLean, Robin Cook, yes, Sidney Sheldon, Forsyth, Archer and the likes, throw in a non fiction in between; never self help… But for the past few months, I have not been able to catch up on any book, thanks to the time that I’m able to devote just to work and sleep. The last chunk of my reading

Enough about me…The question I want to raise is, what do people want to read these days…? With changing world order and times of uncertainty, what do youngsters want to grow up with? What do adults want? What is the flavour of the season?

Please drop in your views…I’m eager to know…

8 responses to “What do you want to read..?

  1. Jincy May 22, 2009 at 11:13 am

    Hey Rohan,

    Talking about the flavor of the generation when it comes to the choice of books, i feel it is just imposed and not properly chosen.
    Trend now is just to follows the fad. Every person looks the same with no individuality left.
    So what I want to read may be is just what you are reading! 😉

    • Rohan May 22, 2009 at 12:13 pm

      Maybe you are right Jincy…
      These days people read what they see people around them reading… With the advent of ‘oh-so-easy to understand’ sub standard novels hitting the stalls (you know what i mean, dont u?), the quality of what is going into these youngsters’ minds does not seem correct to me…

  2. Cynthia May 22, 2009 at 11:42 am

    Well, honestly i think today’s generation is too busy with their computers, play stations and TV’s to bother about reading.

    Even if they do read, it’s usually e-books.

    Gone are the days to actually turn the pages of a real book and read it. Sigh!!!!

    (I sound like my grandma 😉 )

    Regarding what the younger generation is reading…. i can’t really point a finger in a particular direction, or genre, or author, but yes i do agree with the fact that children are way ahead of their time when it comes to reading. My 12 yr old niece reads lord of the rings and stuff like that. I get a complex sometimes. 😉

    Whatever happened to Enid Blyton???

    • Rohan May 22, 2009 at 12:17 pm

      You are so right Cynthia…
      I have been a victim of that ‘complex’…
      Not that i am a voracious reader but i never fail to appreciate good stuff that comes my way..i fear that maybe ours could turn out to be the last generation to actually ‘turn the page’, dog-ear it and smell the pages of a new/old book… 😦

  3. anwin May 25, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    I have always been, and probably will be, an adventure/thriller book lover. I read only fiction and that too from the above mentioned varieties. I like to read sci-fi, horror and spy thrillers too as long as they are the adventure/thriller types.

    I am still old school and my favorite authors remain Alistair McLean, Robert Ludlum, Stephen King and Isaac Asimov.


  4. Chandra July 26, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    I am reading more of classics these days.

    it must be shocking to see a girl of early teens reading sidney sheldon…

    here is something similar I have written on reading books

  5. Rohan July 27, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    I have a copy of ‘Abridged Tales from Shakespeare’ by Charles and Mary Lamb that i never finished…Likes of Animal Farm, Frankenstien will never be out of fashion..

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